The Red Brick Bulletin(英語「赤れんが通信」)

The Red Brick Bulletin - Akarenga Tsūshin

In October 2009, the International Affairs Division of the Hokkaido Government began publishing an electronic newsletter called the Red Brick Bulletin (Akarenga Tsūshin) in Korean and Chinese. The Red Brick Bulletin informs readers about Hokkaido by covering topics ranging from history and daily life to tourist attractions and cuisine.

In November 2010, the Canadian Coordinator for International Relations (CIR) working in the International Affairs Division of the Hokkaido Government put together the first English publication of the Red Brick Bulletin, drawing connections mainly between Hokkaido and Canada.

Starting in October 2016, the Red Brick Bulletin has taken on a larger goal. While continuing to honor the relationship between Alberta and Hokkaido, the bulletin also began to branch out and explore the ties Hokkaido shares with regions all over the world.

And now, we come to the present. The Red Brick Bulletin will continue on its course of exploring Hokkaido, of describing and sharing the places, events, people, and magnificence that exists here. And it will also work to detail those international ties that many people might not be aware even exist.

Hokkaido. Expanding horizons.

- Feature: Nibutani Ainu Culture Museum
- Hokkaido JET Spotlight: Bekkai Town ALT

- Feature: Drift Ice
- Hokkaido JET Spotlight: Kitami City ALT

- Feature: Sapporo International Art Festival 2024
- Hokkaido JET Spotlight: Takikawa City CIR

- Feature: Sapporo Citizens' Disaster Prevention Center
- Hokkaido JET Spotlight: Shiranuka Town ALT

- Feature: International Affairs Division
- Hokkaido JET Spotlight: Obihiro City CIR




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